Ideas for gorgeous, cute, delightful cupcakes

At a child’s birthday party recently I was wowed with a wonderful cake, baked and styled by the birthday boy’s mum. It was a Pokemon-themed cake and the kids all loved it. But as we talked about children’s birthday cakes, and I reminisced about some of the cakes I’ve...

My Favourite Things to Knit (and crochet) in Winter

Scarves are easy but boring, jumpers tend to be half-finished, blankets take too long. So here are my favourite things to knit now that we’re in winter and, officially, in knitting season. Socks – There’s nothing like a pair of home-knitted bedsocks. And if you use...

How to be a Master Chef at Home

I love winter. The season of knitting, Masterchef, footy, the occasional red wine by the open fire – or heater, at least. My family is totally addicted to Masterchef, and now that it’s in its tenth season, watching it has become a bona fide tradition for us. I’m not...

Tips for reducing your household waste

Waste Not A lot of people I know have been watching the War On Waste on ABC this month. In our house, we’ve been talking and thinking about it a lot and it has affected how we’ve been behaving. I set a personal goal for myself this year of not buying any new clothes,...

Book recommendations from The High Tea Party

Is there anything more exciting than ‘discovering’ an author who has quite a few books published who you absolutely love? This has happened to me a few times lately, and I’m thrilled to be digging into the cannon of the following authors. But I want to share the love,...

Why Tea is So Special (with To A Tea Australia)

Today we’re delighted to present an interview with our High Tea Party partner, Lisa Barakat, CEO of To a Tea Specialty Teas. I talked to Lisa about what tea means to her and why. She shared her passion for tea-cosies, family and the healing power of tea. Lisa, can you...

Low-Fi stationery: The bullet journal trend

Stationery   I’m so fascinated that, in an age of apps, computers, theoretically paper-less offices, that stationery stores continue to thrive.   I adore them. Typo, Kikki.k, Hello Frankie, Smiggle. I actually love browsing through all of them, in person and...

Beauty Terms Explained

So after watching a few of Tanya Hennessy’s hilarious videos in which she exposes the beauty industry as something that only a select few know anything about, while the rest of us bumble around with a bit of concealer and lippy and whatever else we’ve been intimidated...

Happy Easter

Happy Easter, High Tea Party Goers! We’ll be back next week. Don’t eat too much chocolate. xx

Easter ideas

Easter celebration ideas If you celebrate Easter you’ve probably got a family or friend gathering coming up next weekend, which might include religious celebrations too. Even if Easter is not your thing, chances are you’ve got a lovely long weekend to relax and...